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New National Stroke Week resources ask people to look closely for signs of stroke

The Stroke Foundation has developed a series of new posters for National Stroke Week from 5-11 August 2024.

The posters encourage people to look closely at a friend, partner, parent for signs of stroke and to act swiftly if they spot:

  1. Drooping FACE
  2. Inability to raise ARMS
  3. Slurred SPEECH
  4. In which case, they should waste no TIME getting help.

The FAST acronym leads to calling 000 if any of these symptoms are present as Time is the biggest factor in saving lives and mitigating long-term side effects of stroke.

The posters show a young girl looking at her mum, a sibling looking at her brother, an older woman looking at her ‘love’, another middle-aged woman looking at her ‘mate’, and a younger female looking at her father.

Resources also include editable blank posters, zoom backgrounds, National Stroke Week screensavers, an animated gif, email signature and activity poster.

Download resources:

The Australian Men’s Health Forum has developed a male-focused Stroke Prevention Awareness Poster as part of its ongoing Know Your Man Facts campaign. 


According to Stroke Foundation – Australia – 27,428 Australians experienced stroke for the first time in their lives in 2020, which equates to one stroke every 19 minutes.

400 men a week have a stroke, and men aged 55-74 are twice as likely as women to have a stroke.

Speaking on ABC News (23 October 2023), Dr Norman Swan said the Lancet Urology had predicted doubling of deaths from stroke over the next 30 years, particularly in people under 55 because of obesity, diabetes, lack of exercise and inadequate treatment of factors like blood pressure.

He said stroke deaths had declined by 2-3% over the last 30 years in Australia, but had lifted since the COVID19 pandemic, most likely due to an increase in obesity and diabetes.

The Australian Men’s Health Forum will host a special ‘Strokes and Men’ webinar on Wednesday 7 August 2024 as part of its on-going commitment to raise health literacy among males in Australia. Details to follow. 

According to the Stroke Foundation, 45% of Aussie blokes don’t know what the common signs of a stroke might look like and may not call for help quickly enough.

More than 4 in 5 strokes are preventable. There are several things you can do to help prevent a stroke (or another stroke).

Work with your doctor to treat any conditions that can increase your risk of having a stroke, such as:

  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • high cholesterol
  • atrial fibrillation

You can also reduce your risk of stroke by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including by:


Read more: Blokes and Strokes campaign targets all Aussies (AMHF 19 June 2023)






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