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Physical Phil takes centre stage for Men’s Health Week

Physical Phil may look shapeless, but underneath this Health Heroes’ pillowy animated frame is a bloke who knows that movement is an essential part of life, not an optional extra.

‘Phil’ is one of the star characters in the new Good Health Heroes campaign designed by Healthy Male and Western Sydney University for Men’s Health Week 2024.

The campaign promotes a number of healthy habits that increase men and boys’ overall health across three key categories: Physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

The Australian Men’s Health Forum, a proud partner of Good Health Heroes, is a big advocate of exercise, and has developed a Know Your Man Facts toolkit on the topic, which includes a Men’s Exercise Booklet that people can order or download.

We know how essential exercise is to health, and so we packaged up a number of revealing facts in the popular Know Your Man Facts series. Such as:

  • 10 men a day die from physical activity
  • Being unfit can be as bad for you as smoking
  • Being active cuts your risk of disease
  • A short, daily walk can add three years to your life


Physical Phil, from the Good Health Heroes series, suggests three simple habits to build a more active lifestyle.

  1. Aim for 30 minutes of movement every day.
  2. Aim to engage in muscle-strengthening at least twice a week.
  3. Avoid long periods of inactivity by using a standing desk.


According to the Australian Government physical activity guidelines, adults up to 64 years should do at least two-and-a half hours of moderate intense physical activity over a week or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, or an equivalent of both as well as two sessions of strength training.

Healthy Male reports that 70% of boys aged 2-5 years get the recommended physical activity for their age, but only one quarter of boys aged 5-12, and about one in 12 aged 13-17, meet the physical activity guidelines.

Under half of men aged 18-64 meet the physical activity guidelines, and only 25% to enough strength-training activity.

One in four men aged 65 or older meet the activity guidelines.

Learn more about the benefits of exercise

Be part of the conversation

Help spread the word about the small steps men can take to build up better health. Share an infographic, hashtag your healthy heroics and start a conversation about men’s health with those close to you to encourage awareness and action amongst your community, for the benefit of all Australians.

#menshealthweek #goodhealthheroes #healthhero #localhero

Read: Health Heroes campaign ushers in Men's Health Week 2024 

Check out AMHF’s series on Exercise and Men’s Health 

Connecting through exercise: Beyond the Barbell

Connecting through exercise: The Man Walk

Connecting through exercise: Mongrels Man

Connecting through exercise: The Hat Trick Program

Connecting through exercise: Exercise and Sports Science Australia

Connecting through exercise: The Fit Dad Lifestyle

Connecting through exercise: Muscles that Matter Most

Connecting through exercise: The Friday Warriors

Connecting through exercise: Cycling to Wellness



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