The Lived Experience of Suicide Summit is an opportunity for people with lived experience of suicide and others from the sector to share ideas and "explore the what next," says Bronwen Edwards, CEO of hosts Roses in the Ocean.
"It's an exciting time in Australia for people with Lived Experience and with the draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy centering lived experience as a key enabler," she said. "There are increasing opportunities for us to really shape was suicide prevention looks like in Australia going forward."
The Summit is an opportunity for people to roll up their sleeves and get involved in projects that are starting. Kicking off the Summit on 13th March, special guests include Queensland's Minister for Mental Health, Ivan Frkovic, Tu Boldeman from MATES in Construction and Jo Langford from Standby Support after Suicide.
This will be followed by a number of different streams and workshops including:
1. Safely and effectively incorporating lived experience in a framework for better mental health in high-risk industries (MATES)
2. Shifting the narrative on male suicide from a lived experience perspective, a collaboration between Roses in the Ocean (Tynan Narywonczyk) and the Australian Men's Health Forum (Jonathan Bedloe)