The theme of Men's Health Week (12-18 June 2023) this year is Healthy Habits and to mark the occasion men around Australia are invited to sign up for a series of free online lunchtime talks under the following topics: Connect, Sleep, Drink, Move, Eat.
The talks are hosted by the Australian Men's Health Forum and feature a range of speakers who will share some great information and tips on how we can all develop healthier habits around sleep, nutrition, alcohol, exercise and our social connections.
Wednesday 14 June, 12.30pm AEST - 1.30pm AEST
Theme: Drink
Topic: Alcohol and men's health
Speaker: Caterina Giorgi, CEO, Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education
Learn more about the benefits of cutting back on alcohol, from the CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), Caterina Giorgi.
Alcohol causes too much harm to far too many Australians. With alcohol so available and so heavily promoted, it can be hard to avoid.
Drinking less alcohol can reduce your risk of injury, improve the quality of your sleep and protect you from the long-term health impacts, such as cancer and liver disease. If you drink alcohol, the Australian Alcohol Guidelines recommend you have no more than ten standard drinks in a week – and no more than four standard drinks a day.
This session will also explore some strategies to help you to assess your alcohol use and cut back or stop drinking alcohol.