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August 20, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm
George Burnett Leisure Center
Manning Rd Karawara WA 6152 Australia
Manning, WA 6152
Franck Tellier

The Men's Huddle

The Inner Huddle is proudly facilitating a community men's huddle for those of us who need a little extra support and for those of us who want to support others.

The aim is to provide an evening full of conversation, compassion and support in a safe space where we can all express ourselves around other men.

If you want to be part of the leading men in your community grab a seat at our next huddle.

How the Huddle Works:

  1. We start with a hand shake and a hug to "break the ice" and let the "shields" down.  It's ok if you're not into hugging, you do you and the huddle will welcome you in any case.
  2. We go through a bit of house keeping.  There we describe the rules of the Huddle (ie: no advice giving, the man with the ball has the floor, anything shared within the Huddle is confidential, be respectful of other's stories).
  3. We address our gratitude 
  4. We go through a breath work relaxation technique to get centered and calm.
  5. We start with a round of brief check-ins, detailing what is currently going on for the men of the circle.  If you're not comfortable sharing, it's okay.  You can also just be present and listen.
  6. We are then led through a reflective prompt and discuss our thoughts on this.
  7. We then go through a period of group coaching, led by Franck (Certified Coach Professional), for those that want to participate and this starts a group conversation facilitated by Franck.
  8. We close off the Huddle with another round of breath work if time allows. 


All Tickets proceeds go to paying for the facility, advertising, social outings and group merchandise.  We reinvest every dollar into the Men's Huddle.

"Finding something important and meaningful in your life is perhaps the most productive use of your time and energy" Mark Manson


Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you at our next Men's Huddle.


$10.00 AUD · Purchase tickets


Holding an event for men or boys? Let us know about it.




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