This free workshop held by the Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing (FCMHW) will bring together community-based service providers with experts and veterans to lead an evidence and lived experience informed conversation on the issues impacting the lifelong health and wellbeing of men within our veteran community.
The workshop will provide an opportunity for delegates to consider gaps in support service provision and how current services may be optimised to best promote veteran health and wellbeing across the life-course.
Registrations are available for delegates to attend in person or by livestream. GET TICKETS
Please note, the workshop is to be preceded by the FCMHW Men's Health Business Breakfast, with guest presenter, Dr Zac Seidler– Mental Health Lead, Movember.
MC - Glen Poole – CEO, Australian Men’s Health Forum
Ben Wadham – Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing; Veteran; Director, Open Door, Flinders University
- Military Men’s Health: Bringing Men and Veterans Health Together
Zac Seidler – Clinical Psychologist; Mental Health Lead, Movember; Research Fellow, Orygen/University of Melbourne
– Veterans Men and Mental Health
Gary Wittert – Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing (SA Director), Endocrinologist; Professor of Medicine, The University of Adelaide
- Veterans, Men and Medical Health
Nathan Bolton - Veteran, Director of Bolton Brothers
- Chasing Success & Overcoming Adversity
Dion Cowdray – Veteran
- Seventeen 19 twenty-one, then what?
David Everitt – Veteran and former Executive
- Older veteran men’s health