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2024 RUOK? Day message announced

RUOK? Day is on 12 September 2024 and this year's theme is, Ask RUOK? Any Day.

CEO Katherine Newton today outlined the message and a suite of new resources to help people prepare for the day.

The RUOK? campaign invites people and organisations to encourage meaningful conversations in their community, for example running a men’s walk and talk group or inviting an RUOK? Ambassador to speak in the workplace or at school assembly.

“Call a friend to chat, drop in on family or go for a coffee with a colleague,” encourages RUOK? in a promotional video. “If you’re ready to really listen to the answer, you can start with a simple question, ‘how are you? what’s been happening? how are you travelling?’

“When people feel connected and have a sense of belonging, it’s a protective factor against suicide,” says Newton.

The key message of the campaign is for people to check in with others any time they have time to offer their attention, and have the capacity to listen Sunday to Monday, January to December.

And one of the most powerful ways of showing someone you sincerely care is to keep checking in a week or two later.

The Ask RUOK? Any Day resources include posters, conversation guides, social titles, videos and merchandise. More will be added in the coming weeks.

Visit the RUOK? website.


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