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AMHF customer feedback survey

Are you a health professional who’s accessed some of the resources produce by the Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF)? Do you want a chance to win $500? If so then please consider completing an online survey about AMHF’s website and events.  

The Commonwealth Department of Health is seeking feedback from health professionals, men’s health experts, academics and policymakers who have accessed one or more of the following resources in the past three years:

  • The AMHF website
  • The 2020 Men’s Health Connected online event
  • The 2018 National Men’s Health Gathering
  • A Men’s Health Week event

Completing the survey takes around 10 minutes and at the end of the survey you can go into a draw to win one of six cash prizes of up to $500.

This survey is being conducted by Urbis, an independent organisation, on behalf of the Commonwealth Department of Health which has funded the Australian Men’s Health Forum since 2017.

If you have any questions about this research please contact Sidonie Roberts, Associate Director, Urbis on 02 8233 9962 or [email protected]


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