Australian Red Cross teams with Movember for men’s health
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood has formed a partnership with Movember to encourage Aussie blokes to donate blood or plasma in November and to raise awareness for men’s health.
Artist Travis Garone, who co-founded Movember in 2003 with Luke Slattery and turned it into a global men’s health charity, has designed a limited-edition moustache-themed bandage that will be rolled onto the arms of donors throughout November.
He has named the bandage, Brothers in Arms, and hopes it will encourage more men to donate blood and plasma, as well as get people talking about men’s health.
“The moustache in November has always been a walking, talking billboard, a catalyst for conversation, and so the idea behind the Brothers in Arms bandage is that it will work in the same way,” Garone said.
“There is a simplicity to growing a moustache, and there is a simplicity to donating blood. It’s a very simple act, and simple acts will change the world.”
The design blends a handle-bar moustache with two clasping hands, which Garone hopes will be seen as mates helping each other out.
“Giving blood and plasma regularly is also a great way to get to know your own health while saving a life, with heart rate and blood pressure checks taken at each appointment,” said Lifeblood Executive Director of Donor Experience, Cath Stone.
The Movember bandages will be available at Lifeblood donor centres nationwide from 1 November while stocks last.
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