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Banksia Project calls for rural facilitators

The Banksia Project, focused on early intervention in mental health, is looking for male leaders to run its ground-breaking Growth Rooms throughout rural NSW, Qld and Victoria.

The community-based Growth Rooms have successfully run for almost three years in rural NSW, where group work enables young men to make positive life changes through structured peer-led support.

“We’re looking for more rural facilitators to get involved in the program,” says Growth Rooms project director Jack Jones.

Contact Jack, become a facilitator

Volunteer facilitators are given free, virtual training, after which they are able to run a monthly Growth Room for local men in their communities.

“These men don’t have to be experts, they will be participating as peers and guiding others through the program, whilst undertaking it themselves,” says Jack.

“The Banksia Project provides them with ample structure and guidance to ensure all programs are safe and effective.”

Some of the topics covered in Growth Rooms cover mental wellness, the importance of maintaining physical health, communication skills and how to deal with emotions safely and effectively. Facilitators have a referral pathway to provide more professional support to participants and also a debrief session to check in with any confronting issues they may have experienced.

“Our programs aren’t just for people with mental health issues, they are for people who are well also,” says Jack.

“The whole point is to actually prevent a crisis and to give guys the tools beforehand. If people are struggling, they are still welcome to attend but we make sure they are seeking professional help if they have complex mental health challenges.”


Find out more: Call Jack on 0431 204 579

Register to become a facilitator

Read: Growing demand for The Banksia Project’s Growth Rooms (AMHF)




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