Calling professionals working with men and boys
If you’re a health professional who works with men or boys, or if you work with men/boys in a related sector such as social care, then the Australian Men's Health Forum would like to hear from you.
We’re currently reviewing our Working With Men newsletter and events, which focus on Best Practice approaches to working with men. To help us do this, we’d like to find out more about your professional interest in men's health.
We'd be grateful if you'd take a few minutes to fill out our Working With Men online survey if you are employed in one of the following professions:
Medical practitioner (e.g. GP)
Dental practitioner
Occupational therapist
Medical radiation practitioner
Chinese medicine practitioner
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner
Even if your occupation is not listed above, if you work with men and boys in a field related to health such as social work of workplace health and wellbeing, we’d still welcome your input into our Working With Men online survey.
Medical practitioner (e.g. GP)
Dental practitioner
Occupational therapist
Medical radiation practitioner
Chinese medicine practitioner
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner
Even if your occupation is not listed above, if you work with men and boys in a field related to health such as social work of workplace health and wellbeing, we’d still welcome your input into our Working With Men online survey.
Working With Priority Populations of Men
In line with the National Men's Health Strategy, we'd love to hear from you if you work with men and boys from the following priority populations:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males
- Males from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds
- Males living in rural and remote areas
- Males with a disability
- Males from CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) backgrounds
- Members of the LGBTIQA+ community
- Male veterans
- Socially isolated males
- Males in the criminal justice system
Making Services Work for Men
Have you seen our guide to male-friendly health services? International best practice tells us we can improve men's access to healthcare by developing male-friendly services. But what is a male-friendly service?
Australia's men's health sector is a world leader in developing innovative, male-friendly approaches to engaging men in health services.
Our Guide to Developing Male-Friendly Services honours that tradition and identifies some of the key characteristics that are common to health initiatives that work for men, both in Australia and overseas.
You can download a free copy of the Making Services Work for Men guide and find out more about Best Practice approaches to men’s health, at the Working With Men section of our website.
Have you seen our guide to male-friendly health services? International best practice tells us we can improve men's access to healthcare by developing male-friendly services. But what is a male-friendly service?
Australia's men's health sector is a world leader in developing innovative, male-friendly approaches to engaging men in health services.
Our Guide to Developing Male-Friendly Services honours that tradition and identifies some of the key characteristics that are common to health initiatives that work for men, both in Australia and overseas.
You can download a free copy of the Making Services Work for Men guide and find out more about Best Practice approaches to men’s health, at the Working With Men section of our website.