Celebrating 30 Years of Men's Sheds in Australia
Since 1993, the Men's Shed community has grown to include over 2,500 sheds in 12 countries.
In Australia, the movement has been particularly popular, with 1,297 men's, women's, and community Sheds joining the Australian Men's Shed Association. That’s more sheds than McDonald’s fast-food outlets.
The concept of a Men's Shed is simple: a space for men to come together, socialise, and work on projects. It's a way to combat social isolation and provide a sense of purpose for retirees or unemployed blokes.
Men work on a variety of projects depending on their interests, such as carpentry, car mechanics and other projects. As well as connecting men and improving their health and wellbeing, sheds have positively contributed to their communities around Australia.
The first shed was established 30 years ago at Goolwa Heritage Club in South Australia. To mark its February 1993 anniversary, the Australian Men’s Shed Association will acknowledge this milestone through a year-long celebration of 30 Years of Sheds.
“The 30th anniversary of the birth of Men’s Sheds is truly significant for thousands of men and their communities,” said AMSA Executive Officer David Helmers.
“30 Years of Sheds is a celebration of three decades of connection, community and camaraderie built on the shoulders of Shedders around the world,” he said.
30 Years of Sheds highlights significant ‘shedding’ milestones whilst acknowledging that the true success and impact of the Men’s Shed movement is owed to a community of people (mostly volunteers) that built and continue to drive the movement forward.
Find out more at the Australian Men’s Sheds Association event page.