Dads Group calls out to Bring a Dad online
The men’s mental health organisation Movember has put out a call for Aussie dads to connect with Dads Group during COVID-19.
Both parties are keen for dads to come together and support each other in a safe space, especially those experiencing fear and anxiety during the coronavirus lockdown.
The online groups are also a space for celebration, sharing and maintaining wellbeing in a dad-ship kinda way.
Says Sunshine Coast University researcher and clinical psychologist Mary Gregory, a third of dads not involved in the group interviewed had no idea where they could go for support, while only 3% of men in the Dads Group felt this way.
"We need to get the word out that we are here, and we can help. There are new dads out there that don’t know about our group and would really psychologically benefit from being a part of it,” says Dads Group co-founder Tom Docking.
“Dads Group has since spread across the country with positive results and engagement,” said Tom.
“However, the social impact of COVID-19 this year has disrupted the opportunity for face-to-face meetings in many parts of the country.
“It is concerning because although we have adapted our meetings to a daily online platform, new dads aren’t showing up in the numbers we’d expect or hope for.”
Dads Groups hold daily virtual sessions at 10am EST each day. Join the Dads Group FB page.
They are inviting all dads to Bring a Dad as part of a two-week push to increase numbers and bring dads across Australia together who otherwise would never have met.
“Many of us have had to re-think how to keep working and stay connected when COVID-19 turned things upside down,” said Brendan Maher, Movember’s Global Director of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
“Dads Group was no different and quickly moved from face-to-face catch-ups to online forums. We believe it’s important for these new dads to keep that connection going where possible. While face-to face meetings are preferable to many dads, the online group can still provide important social benefits.”
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