Getting Connected with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Male Health
The Men’s Health Connected online summit resumes on Monday 22 June with a two-day focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Male Health.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men and boys have some of the worse health and social outcomes in Australia.
Men's Health Connected 2020 Day One ' Leadership in Health' includes a session titled Respectful Man-Discussion- shedding some light on unknown spaces “Men’s journey to change.”
Panel Members include Chris George, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community liaison worker, Interrelate Matt Cramer, Family relationship counsellor, Interrelate Michael Lea, Family relationship counsellor.
Camping on Country features in the second session from 2-3pm, with a deep dive into why this program has been so successful. Camping on Country is a project funded through the Department of Health that works exclusively with Aboriginal community controlled health services and is designed to close the gap on remote men’s health.
From 3pm-4pm, a panel discussion will look at leadership in health and what is required to move forward.
Speakers include:
- Steven Stanton, Head of Strategy & Market Development, McMillan Shakespeare Group and Advisory Council member with NSW Mental Health Commission
- Tom Brideson, Kamilaroi/Gomeroi Man and Deputy Commissioner of NSW Mental Health Commission
- Steven Hobday, Wiradjuri & Gomeroi Man and 4th year Medical student, University of NSW
Day 2 continues with a look at Drugs and Alcohol among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island males.
Speakers include:
- Steve Taylor, Weigelli Centre Aboriginal Corporation
- Scott Wilson, CEO, Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council
- Alex Lee, The Glen Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre
- Matt Stubbs, Dooralong Transformation Centre
This is followed at 11am with a discussion on ‘sport, culture, mentoring and its role in mental health and well-being,” with Joe Williams, former NRL football player and WBF world boxing champion, and former AFL player Dominic Barry.
The afternoon session from 12-1pm (AEST) focuses on fathering and growing up within a cultural framework. This will be facilitation by Phil Pallas from the University of Newcastle.
Speakers include Kyle Slabb, Jarulah Slabb, Stuart McMinn and Rheese McMinn.
Young Aboriginal men’s health features from 1pm, followed by ‘Healing in Cultural Contexts’ at 2pm with ANTAC Anangu Ngangkari Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation and Paul Callaghan, Callaghan Cultural Consultancy and author of “Iridescence”.
Read: NACCHO calls on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males to focus on their health