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Gillian Hunt appointed new President of the Australian Men's Health Forum

Parents Beyond Breakup CEO Gillian Hunt will lead the next stage of the Australian Men's Health Forum's growth and development after being appointed President at the organisation's AGM on 13 December 2022. 

She replaces Greg Millan, who stepped down after three years in the role. 

Read Greg's 2022 President's Report. 

Parents Beyond Breakup is an AMHF member organisation and Gillian will also continue in her role as Public Officer on the Board, alongside her Presidency hat. 

"It is an honour to be given the opportunity to serve the Australian Men's Health Forum in the role of President," Gillian said. 

"I look forward to working with the AMHF Board as we all work to creating a healthier future for men and boys.    

"I’d like to thank Greg Millan - as a founding member of AMHF and President since 2019, and Rae Bonney - as Vice President since 2019, for their tireless work advocating for men’s health."

Former AMHF President, Greg Millan said:

"It has been a privilege to serve as President of the Australian Men's Health Forum for the past three years.

"During that time we have grown our membership, increased our funding and built on our work  as the peak body for men’s health in Australia.

"I will be remaining on the board and look forward to working with and supporting our new President, as we look forward to a bright future for AMHF in 2023 and beyond."

Two new faces joined the the Board: David Pointon (Secretary) and co-founder of The Men's Table, an AMHF member organisation, and Andrew Humphreys of the One in Three campaign. 

View the full AMHF Board. 


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