Join our Know Your Man Facts Campaign
Have you signed up to support our Know Your Man Facts (KYMF) campaign yet?
Know Your Man Facts is the Australian Men's Health Forum's on-going initiative to give people the information they need to take action to improve men's health. We're building a nationwide community of Men's Health Champions and we'd love you to join us.
From next September we'll be launching a regular Know Your Man Facts newsletter to keep you updated on opportunities to be a Men's Health Champion. You can sign up to receive updates here.
We'll also be expanding and updating our KYMF toolkits and resources in the coming months. Starting in October, on World Mental Health Day (10/10/2022), we'll be refreshing our KYMF Men's Mental Health toolkit with the most up-to-date facts and statistics.
To make sure you get access to the latest version of this popular KYMF toolkit, email [email protected].
All of our KYMF toolkits include an easy-to-use presentation you can share in groups, in the workplace or at community events.
Our KYMF toolkits also include infographics and social media tiles with information on how to spot a health issue, how to take action to improve your own health and how to help a mate.
We'll be adding a number of new toolkits to the KYMF collection in the next 12 months, so make sure you don't miss out by signing up for our new Know Your Man Facts newsletter today.