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Men’s Sheds encouraged to apply for new funding grants

Round 26 of Men’s Shed’s applications for Government funding opened today.

Awarded by the Department of Health and Aged Care National Shed Development Programme (NSDP), hundreds of Sheds across Australia have been given financial support of between $5000 and $8000 for various purposes including:

  • Health, Wellbeing, and Events
  • Shed Improvements
  • Tools and Equipment
  • Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Events
  • Defibrillators ($2500 maximum)

According to the guidelines, priority is given to shed improvements that can be justified from a health perspective. Where this is not possible (e.g., security systems and solar panels), significant evidence of need must be provided to make the application competitive against health-related applications.

“R26 will specifically prioritise applications requesting events/improvements/equipment with a strong health, mental health, wellbeing or safety emphasis, in acknowledgement of the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of sheds in the recovery period (and beyond). Additionally, considering ongoing COVID-19 impacts, IT equipment and training will be prioritised to facilitate connectivity,” said the funders.

Applications close on Friday 25 August 2023 at midnight, unless the application is for a defibrillator, in which case Shedders have until Thursday 21 September 2023.

The NSDP is a competitive men’s shed grants program that started in 2010 and is managed by The Australian Men’s Shed Association, which announces grant round activity on its development grants page.

NSDP Round 25 outcomes were also announced and a full list of successful applicants is available on the AMSA website at

131 Men’s Sheds are listed with grants totalling $669,280.

The fellas at Yea Men’s Shed are looking forward to some much-improved air quality in the workshop, according to an Australian Men’s Shed post on Facebook.

“We at the Yea Men’s Shed were very pleased that our recent NSDP grant application was successful. Our Shed President got a bit carried away when he picked up one part of the equipment we ordered… Here he is using our new powerful Makita vacuum cleaner to leave a message in some of the accumulated dust on the Shed’s internal roller door.”

Find a Shed

Find out more about the National Shed Development Programme

Read also

Celebrating 30 Years of Men's Sheds in Australia (AMHF)


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