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Men’s Sheds get funds to mark International Men's Day

Men's Sheds in Western Australia are being offered funding of up to $500 to help them celebrate International Men's Day, on Saturday 19 November 2022.

The small grants program run by Men's Sheds WA is open to any WA shed that wants to hold an International Men's Day event at any time between 14-27 November 2022.

According to Men's Sheds WA, sheds are a place of acceptance, mateship and activity for all men. This philosophy matches this year's theme for International Men's Day in Australia - "Celebrating Mateship" - which aims to inspire more men to #MakeTime4Mates. 

Men's Sheds WA Project Officer, Jaxon Ashley, said: 

"Celebrating International Men’s Day is a great opportunity for sheds to have some fun and to grow their membership. By marking International Men's Day, we can also show local government, media, business owners and local communities, the positive benefits and contributions that sheds are making to their members."

There are around 200 men's sheds in Western Australia, supporting approximately 7,000 members. The role of Men's Sheds WA, as the peak body for the state, is to support and promote men's health and wellbeing by building a sustainable community of Men’s Sheds.

Any Shed in Australia planning to hold an event for International Men’s Day is encouraged to tell us about their activity and promote it on the website, which is hosted by the Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF). 

The website includes some great resources including ideas on running events and links to our Know Your Man Facts talk, which comes with full Power Point deck, speaker notes and an interactive quiz. 


Apply for a grant no later than 16 September 2022 at Men’s Sheds WA. International Men’s Day grants are subject to panel approval. Unsuccessful sheds will receive feedback following the panel’s decision.


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