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New Men's Health Week fundraiser steps up for prostate cancer

The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia has launched a new fundraiser for Men’s Health Week, encouraging people to take 49,000 steps from June 13 until June 19 in solidarity with men and families.

As of May 24, more than $45,000 has been raised and nearly 300 people have put their best foot forward in the Walk For Him campaign to support men with prostate cancer and PCFA’s mission to raise awareness about prostate cancer, early diagnosis and treatments.

49 Australian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every day, the most frequently diagnosed cancer in Australian men, and close to 20,000 a year. It is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in Australian males after lung cancer.

Says PCFA:

Cancer stage refers to the extent of spread of cancer – the higher the number between I and IV, the further the cancer has spread. In Australia, five-year relative survival for prostate cancer diagnosed at Stage I is 100%. The survival rate for Stage 4 cancers is just 36.4%.

However, only 36% of prostate cancers are detected at Stage 1 in Australia, 46% are detected at Stage II, 11% at stage III and 4% at Stage IV.

Funds raised from Wa Walk For Him will be channeled towards PCFA’s research to detect and defeat prostate cancer and to help PCFA educate the community with information kits to men and families.

A number of sponsors have got behind the Walk for Him, adding incentives for those who complete fundraising milestones. These include Harvey Norman, Julius Marlow, Icon Cancer Centre and Jack Le Brocq. Check out the Walk for Him FAQs page

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