New study to probe social supports for men living with prostate cancer
Researchers at La Trobe in Melbourne are calling for men living with prostate cancer to take part in a new study looking into the social support they may have experienced following their cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The study will explore the relationship between social support, coping style and the mental health of men living with prostate cancer.
“Social support is one factor that can significantly improve the quality of life for cancer patients and survivors,” says research co-ordinator Jordie Michael.
“However, some studies have shown that inappropriate or poorly timed social support can have a negative impact.”
With a paucity of information to drive insights, the study is calling for participants to share their experiences of social support, particularly those living with prostate cancer.
“Through this research we’re hoping to gain a better understanding of how different types of social support influence men’s psychological wellbeing when living with prostate cancer,” says Jordie.
“This in turn may help to inform the development of more targeted and effective supportive care services for such men.”
The questionnaire for participants takes around 20 minutes. TAKE THE QUESTIONNAIRE.
This research is being carried out by the Psycho-Oncology Research Unit, a joint initiative between the Olivia Newton John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre and La Trobe University. Their research examines the psychological, social and behavioural aspects of cancer, with the goal of improving the quality of life of cancer patients, their families and caregivers.
The Psycho-Oncology Research Unit is led by Professor Carlene Wilson who supervises several students through La Trobe University. She is also Chief Investigator for this study looking at social support, coping and the mental health of men living with prostate cancer.
Contact Jordie Michael for further information on this project.
DOWNLOAD the Prostate Cancer Fact Sheet (AMHF)
READ: If I were Tom uses technology to untangle prostate cancer treatment options (AMHF)