Register for new Men’s Mental Health toolkit
October is National Mental Health Month and we’ll be marking this initiative with the launch of our updated Know Your Man Facts toolkit on Men’s Mental Health.
Originally launched in 2021, our Men’s Mental Health toolkit is built around 10 key facts that we think everyone should know about men and their mental health.
The toolkit includes a poster, social media tiles and a ready-to-use presentation to help you host a talk on men’s mental health in your workplace or a community setting.
We developed a Know Your Man Facts toolkit on Men’s Mental Health because 1 in 2 men will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime.
Furthermore, suicide is the leading cause of death for males under the age of 55 and men account for 3 in 4 suicides.
We think it’s critical to talk about the issues impacting so many men and look at what can be done to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
Thanks to the long-awaited publication of new nationwide data on mental health in Australia, some of the information in our original toolkit is out of date.
So, we’ll be making sure the latest “man facts” about men’s mental health are part of this Know Your Man Facts toolkit as we mark National Mental Health Month 2022, which runs under the theme “Building Resilience: Communities and Connections”.
If you’d like to receive a copy of our updated Know Your Man Facts about Men’s Mental Health toolkit when it is available in October, please email your request to [email protected] with the subject line “KYMF toolkit”.
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