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Shining a light on the power of men’s groups to combat loneliness

August 5-11 marks the start of Loneliness Awareness Week and an opportunity to shine a spotlight on shared experiences of loneliness.

Ending Loneliness Together - Australia’s national organisation which aims to reduce the negative effects of loneliness and social isolation – will launch a new campaign calling on all Australians to reduce loneliness and create more opportunities for meaningful social connections.

Loneliness Awareness Week is an opportunity to normalise conversations about why we feel lonely and encourages a culture of connection at home, work, school and the community.

Many of the grassroots men’s movements connected to the Australian Men’s Health Forum excel at combating loneliness through regular activities and events.

Men’s Walks are run by diverse groups, and based around regular strolls in beautiful settings that often finish with a coffee or beverage. Three incredibly active Men’s Walking groups are located in Penrith (Men’s Walk and Talk), Geelong (Right Mate), and Hervey Bay Men’s Walk and Talk. The Man Walk estimates 2,250,000,000 steps have collectively been taken “while connecting men, strengthening the communities and combating social isolation and loneliness.”

The Tough Guy Book Club organises ‘chapters’ of men across Australia, discussing the book of the month and other matters that fall between the lines. Founder Shay Leighton also runs optional monthly challenges such as donating blood, writing stories and hunting for literary treasures in second-hand book shops.

Mr Perfect BBQ brings men together over a humble BBQ, creating a space to chat, connect, and make new friends. Find a BBQ near you.

The Men’s Table puts men together for a regular meal, where they are free to download without judgement, listen and support each other. These tables have been highly successful, with now 200 tables across Australia. Find a table.  

Grab Life By The Balls is about improving boys’ and men’s health and wellbeing through mateship. Started by Sam Parker, GLBTB runs laid back BBQ and Chin Wags for blokes at multiple locations. Check them out here

Mongrels Men likes to get Aussie Men moving, so improving physical health is a huge benefit as well as forming strong connections. Founder Tim Hewson continues to expand activities that facilitate deeper conversations, ranging from meet ups and coffee, to fundraising events and an annual golf day. Find out more

Men’s Sheds started in Australia and are globally recognised as an effective antidote to loneliness, especially among older blokes. There are 1200+ men’s sheds listed on the Australian Men’s Shed Association website, welcoming more than 50,000 Aussie men.

Men’s Sheds of WA is connected to 182 sheds and 7000 ‘shedders’, providing a safe and welcoming space for men to work on their projects, learn new skills and develop valuable friendships.

While the grassroots men’s health movement appears to be filling the gaps helping combating loneliness, mental health and social isolation, some health practitioners believe the ‘system’ is not doing enough to prevent men slipping through the cracks.

Writing for The Guardian’s ‘The Modern Mind’ column, where experts discuss mental health issues they are seeing in their work, Sydney psychiatrist Xaver Mulenga writes: “Mental health services are trying to engage lonely men with various strategies.

“We know that most most men do not phone helplines when they are in crisis, many struggle with individual therapy and men’s-only group therapy is not readily available. Governments are having discussions on policies to have interventions aimed at boys in schools. Holistic practices such as exercise (gym, running or sports), a healthy diet and good sleep hygiene also help, but it is not enough. I’m optimistic that we will get there, but it sometimes feels like nothing is changing while men are struggling.”

Would more financial support directed towards grassroots men's mental health groups alleviate the crisis in men's mental health by engaging isolated and lonely men in a circle of mateship?

Check out the Know Your Man Facts toolkit: 10 Facts Everyone Should Know about Mateship and Men’s Health.





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