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The Barstool Project receives $250k funding from the NSW Government

The NSW Government has committed $250k to help the Raising the Bar Foundation design and deliver The Barstool Project, a custom mental health training package for employees in the state’s hospitality and tourism industry.

The Barstool Project aims to reach 10,000 employees across NSW, improving education and awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues.

The funding will enable free training for venues for the next 12 months.

The Raising the Bar Foundation grew from The Barstool Brothers, formed in 2019 in a Wollongong Burger bar called His Boy Elroy.

The idea was to create a safe environment where men could catch up over a free burger and potentially open up about mental health issues.

More events followed to further solidify relationships, such as yoga, bowling, bushwalking and golf, encouraging blokes to explore connections and conversations instead of excessive alcohol consumption when dealing with challenging circumstances and events.

Raising the Bar Foundation was formed to develop a culture of men supporting men in licensed venues and to train employees in hospitality and tourism venues in mental health awareness and communication.

“Our focus is on equipping employees with skills to recognise and address mental health issues, ensuring safer and more supportive workplaces,” says the Raising the Bar Foundation.

“The support from the NSW Government is incredibly welcome and will expand our ability to empower individuals to understand and manage their mental health effectively,” said Raising the Bar Foundation General Manager Daniel Chin.

“Raising the Bar Foundation is about leading the charge in eradicating the stigma around mental health, and this contribution will help a great deal.”

The Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast, Ryan Park, praised the proactive work done by the Raising the Bar team to increase mental health support and drive a cultural shift in the hospitality industry.

“We know that over two in five (44%) Australians over 16 are estimated to have experienced a mental illness at some point in their life,” he said.

“It highlights the need for a concerted effort from the NSW Government and industry leaders like the Raising the Bar Foundation to ensure that people are equipped to stay mentally healthy and that they feel comfortable reaching out for help if they are struggling.” 

Read also: The Barstool Project mental health training course for hospitality staff begins in Wollongong (ABC Illawarra, 19 September 2023)


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