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Tough Guy Book Club’s blood donation challenge

The Tough Guy Book Club, which brings together blokes in pub settings to discuss books and other matters, is challenging its ‘goons’ to become regular blood donors.

“Challenges are a good way to break your routine, get outside your comfort zone, and have some fun while you're at it,” says TGBC.

The TGBC Lifeblood Team first established a monthly blood donation challenge in 2022, and was chuffed when it surpassed teams from RAAF and WA Police to save 756 lives.

Blood donations became a permanent challenge throughout 2023 as TGBC set out to save 2000 lives and reportedly smashed their target.

The 2024 target is now 3000 lives, which requires 84 monthly donations.

“As much as we love the Australian Red Cross and Lifeblood, they're no help to our international goons in New Zealand, the US, UK and Canada. So we've signed up to the American Red Cross Sleeves Up app, the Canadian Blood Services program, and others. Now we have goons reading and bleeding all over the world,” says TGBC.

Those who complete all TGBC challenges in one year get a TGBC Challenge Coin, and those who join the Lifeblood team receive a commemorative Blood Baron badge.

While Dracula has never been on the TGBC reading list, #Roadto3000 resonates with blokes who read, states the organisation, led by Shay Leighton.

“We donate because we read, and reading makes you think about stuff, thinking about stuff makes you care about stuff, which means you can do something about it. Donating blood is heroic as $%@!

Find out more and join #Roadto3000

The Tough Guy Book Club has a network of over 90 book clubs in Australia and overseas.



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