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Tradies National Health Month in August focuses on physical and mental maintenance

August is Tradies National Health Month, a time to invest in tradies health ‘whether you know one, love one or are one.’

According the Australian Physiotherapy Association, who established TNHM in 2012, over 90% of tradies experienced work-related injuries or pain in the past year, with 90% of these injuries caused or worsened by work.

A recent survey conducted by APA on how tradies manage pain revealed that:

  • Knee and back pain was the most common ailment
  • More than three in four tradies have experienced pain that stops them enjoying life
  • The biggest cohort to experience pain were millennials (aged 27-42)
  • Almost nine in 10 tradies said they needed to take medication or self-medicate to manage the pain
  • 39% ignored their pain and hoped it would go away, while one in three used drugs or alcohol to manage the pain
  • 64% were worried about long-term physical ailments and 54% worried about the financial costs of healthcare

Long hours and the physical intensity of work were among the biggest concerns and only 35% felt their employers understood or supported their health needs.

The survey was conducted between 18 May and 3 June 2024, with input from 519 Australian tradies and handy persons. 75% were male and 72% were aged between 25-54 years.

DOWNLOAD APA Tradies’ Health Survey

The APA has developed a number of resources promoting Tradies National Health Month, and the work physiotherapists do in treating musculoskeletal concerns.

Worksafe Victoria has also embraced Tradies National Health Month by providing free tools and resources for leaders in trade-based industries.

Falls remain one of the leading causes of death and serious injury in Victoria's construction sector, says Worksafe Victoria.

  • Over the past 10 years there have been 17 construction workers killed due to falls.
  • Over the past 5 years more than 6,400 construction workers have needed workers' compensation for serious injuries from a fall; many of these injuries have been life changing.

The Workwell Toolkit is a step-by-step approach to preventing mental health injuries and promoting safe and mentally healthy workplaces.

Employers can use the WorkWell survey to measure the mental health and wellbeing of their workplace. The toolkit also shows how to address common workplace issues such as alcohol and drug use, exposure to traumatic events, bullying, fatigue, poor environmental issues, and low recognition and reward … to name but a few topics.

There is also a lot of information on supporting a diverse workforce, including workers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, workers with a disability, an ageing workforce, new and young workers, and how to cultivate an inclusive environment.

Bunnings is backing Tradies National Health Month with some expert advice and tips on how to improve mental and physical health, ‘and ensuring you have the right tools for the job.’ Find out more

The Canberra-based OzHelp Foundation has developed several evidence-based, scalable and cost-effective programs that assist employers in creating resilient, mentally healthy workplaces by helping individual employees achieve their best possible mental health and wellbeing.

For example, OzHelp’s Life Skills Toolbox is a health and wellbeing program which supports apprentices in high risk, hard to reach industries. The program assists participants with identifying resources and building the skills needed to navigate life’s challenges, while also addressing psychosocial risk factors for suicide.

View more Ozhelp workplace programs

Meanwhile, many small businesses are getting behind Tradies National Health Month by posting supportive messages on social media channels.

“As a team mostly made up of male tradies, we’re keenly aware of the difficulties facing men and tradies when it comes to maintaining physical and mental health,” says CRA Construction, who has published a blog around Tradie Tips for keeping mentally and physical healthy.

These tips include building strong friendships with your mates, reducing booze and quitting smoking.


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