Vote for the 2022 Getting Men Moving Award
Updated July 5, 2022: Voting has closed for nominees shortlisted for the Getting Men Moving Award in the 2022 Men’s Health Awards, presented by the Australian Men’s Health Forum.
Following a record number of nominations across Australia, these shortlisted candidates were determined by AMHF’s judging panel, who will select a national winner. The winner in this category will also win a prize of $1,000 thanks to a generous donation from Bulk Nutrients, who are represented on the judging panel for this award.
A State/Territory winner including all five categories in the 2022 Men’s Health Awards will be selected by “People’s Choice” based on public votes.
Getting Men Moving
A growing number of projects in men’s health have recognised the power of reaching men through sport and exercise. Not only do they improve men’s physical health, but there are clear benefits to men’s mental and social health. This award is an opportunity to take stock of the great initiatives that are helping men and boys move.
Those shortlisted for the Getting Men Moving Award are:
Penrith Men’s Walk and Talk (NSW)
The Penrith Man's Walk and Talk is a free weekly event that started with five mates in 2019 and now attracts dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of men every week. The weekly walk begins and ends at the Nepean River Coffee Club and follows the bridge-to-bridge Great River Walk which is about 6.4km long and takes around an hour and 10 minutes to complete.
As well as attracting hundreds of local men every week, Penrith Man's Walk and Talk has drawn extensive media coverage and a social media following of over 10,000 people. As one supporter said: "They were so understanding when we had a family member struggling with his mental health, not just for him but a great support for our family as well. Practical tips and advice. Every community needs one of these services."
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WNOW (When No One’s Watching) (NSW)
WNOW (When No One's Watching) is a men's mental health group in Sydney's eastern suburbs. Their aim is to create a community "where men are proud to be men; comfortable to take their ‘armour’ off and be their authentic selves, feeling supported and safe in a community of like-minded men”.
The group uses exercise as a meeting point for, getting together at 6am every Wednesday morning for a swim, workout, coffee and chat. As on participant said: "For me as a 28 year old I was struggling with the pressures of work and life which can get too much for all of us at times. The guidance and mentorship of the WNOW crew has helped me navigate my way through a couple of challenging moments. To me, that’s what WNOW stands for."
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Beyond The Barbell (VIC)
Michael Murphy launched the Beyond The Barbell men's mental health program in 2019 because he saw a gap in a place for men to gather in a safe and friendly environment. The program is gym-based and focused on "lifting the stigma of mental health". One of its programs, called Move for Men's Health, runs twice a week and is delivered free to men of all backgrounds and abilities.
These sessions are an opportunity for men to get together, benefit from physical activity and connect with like-minded men. At each session, the men who attend are given an opportunity to link with peer-supports, discuss their mental health and benefit from the connection of others.
One participant said:
"The ability to connect with other men through exercise, open and safe communication, has had a huge positive affect on my mental health and wellbeing. Beyond the Barbell has been and continues to be such a positive experience, in which I have gained confidence in social settings after living with anxiety for many years.”
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AussieFIT (WA)
The Aussie-FIT program supports men to make small but sustainable changes to their physical activity, using evidence-based behaviour change and motivation techniques. The program is free to access and specifically designed to appeal to guys and has a footy theme that guys find appealing.
Following an initial pilot, the program has since been rolled out in regional areas of WA and with men with heart disease. The team were recently chosen from 69 applicants to receive a $1 million funding to further extend the program. As one past participant said:
"It consolidated a lot of the things that I knew I had to do and has just given me the skills, tools, knowledge and social support base to enable me to do that. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I say it was life changing. I tell everyone about it and have a couple of mates who’ve done it. It's been sensational".
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Fat Farmers: Rural Health Initiative (SA)
Fat Farmers: Rural Health Initiative started in 2010 and since then, has worked to encourage rural communities and especially men, to be more active. Fat Farmers currently has 12 separate groups running across rural South Australia, which are all community-led and aim to make it easy for farmers to get some exercise while connecting with others and having a few laughs.
Some groups meet at the gym for regular workout sessions while others are more casual, offering regular "walk and talk" sessions. Every year, all of the groups get together in Adelaide for the annual City to Bay fun run event.
As well as the obvious physical benefits, it has been proven that regular exercise also has significant mental health benefits (eg. improved mood, better concentration and reduced stress), which leads to an overall improvement in the health and wellbeing of participants.
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Man Walk Darwin (NT)
The Man Walk is a national initiative that gives men the opportunity to get together to walk, talk and support each other in a regular and healthy way. By providing regular opportunities to do this they aim to make it okay for men to ask for help when they need it.
Each local walk relies on committed volunteers to establish, develop and maintain local men's walking groups that meet every week. The Darwin Man Walk is one such group that has thrived thanks to leadership of local man Jimmy Bouhoris.
As one participant said: "Jimmy is a legend and he has ensured the Man Walk Darwin is always there for lads to get moving but also have a yarn along the way about every day bloke issues. The group has grown steadily and there is a strong connection to support with the crew always welcoming new blokes.
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