AMHF hosts round table with Minister for Suicide Prevention
The Australian Men’s Health Forum is launching a Men's Mental Health Charter at a virtual Round Table with the Hon David Coleman MP, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, on Friday 11 June 2021.
The Charter has been developed by the Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF), the peak body for individuals and organisations working the improve the lives and health of men and boys.
UPDATE: Minister commits to male suicide funding at Men's Mental Health Charter launch
It draws on a range of existing sources including the National Men’s Health Strategy 2020-2030; the Final Advice report of the PM’s National Suicide Prevention Adviser; the work of Suicide Prevention Australia’s policy team and AMHF’s position papers on male-friendly services, male- friendly approaches to suicide prevention and the case for a national male suicide prevention strategy.
The Charter for Men’s Mental Health will set out seven principles to help governments, funders, commissioners and policy makers to ensure mental health and suicide prevention services are better equipped to support men and boys.
Speakers at the launch event, held in the run up to Men's Health Week (14-20 June 2021) will include:
* Christopher Stone, Suicide Prevention Australia
* Dr Zac Seidler, Movember
* Dr Neil Hall, Men's Health Information and Resource Centre
* Chris Lockwood, MATES In Construction
* Ross Arriola, Parents Beyond Breakup
* Dr Kylie King, Monash University
* Glen Poole, Australian Men's Health Forum
The launch is chaired by former Lifeline CEO and AMHF board member, Pete Shmigel.