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Know Your Man Facts for International Men’s Day 2021

Know Your Man Facts is a toolkit series developed by the Australian Men’s Health Forum to bring greater awareness to critical issues facing blokes.

Started several years ago as a series of graphics to share across social media, Know Your Man Facts has evolved into a toolkit that enables others to share the information and even give a talk in whatever surrounding suits their needs.

The talks come with an extensive and professionally designed Power Point presentation and speaker notes, including ideas for audience involvement and short quizzes. This is also accompanied by an infographic and separate ‘#KYMF Fact’ posters that can be distributed around the group and shared across public domains, such as social media.

In 2019 and 2020, the Know Your Man Facts campaign for International Men’s Day looked at men’s health in general. During Men’s Health Week in 2021, the focus turned to Men’s Heart Health and the number one killer of men in Australia, heart disease.

This year for International Men’s Day, AMHF is pleased to offer a new Know Your Man Facts campaign on Men’s Mental Health.

It is a topic close to AMHF’s heart and one we continue to champion. With 3 in 4 suicides being male, and between 4 and 5 men under 55 dying each day by suicide, with think it’s pretty important.

10 Key Facts

The Know Your Man Facts toolkit takes people on a journey. The initial facts and stats are stark as we outline how critical an issue men’s mental health is in Australia. The presentation then examines what men can do from a personal perspective to improve their mental health and wellbeing and how they might help others. Simple actions can save lives.

Leading into International Men’s Day 2021, AMHF has had an unprecedented response to the campaign from people across Australia (and the world) requesting the KYMF toolkit.

From school-teachers to big business, not-for-profit organisations, interested individuals, community leaders, and government, more and more people are telling AMHF – the peak body for men’s health in Australia – they care about men and want to be part of a growing movement to make a difference in their lives. They too want to be champions for men's health. 

In addition, the Know Your Man Facts Men’s Mental Health series includes 10 articles which flesh out the key ideas, and have been shared in the lead-up to International Men’s Day. These sit on the IMD website – – hosted by AMHF.  

Read: The facts about men's mental health: No.1 - 75% of suicides are male

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.2: Out of Order

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.3 Men at Work

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.4 Home Alone

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.5 You Gotta Have Friends

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.6 Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.7 Creating a Healthy Lifestyle

Read: The facts about men's mental health: No.8 The Healthy Mindset

Read: The facts about men’s mental health: No.9 Check Mate

Read: The facts about men's mental health: No.10 Asking R U OK?

In due course, the Know Your Man Facts Men’s Mental Health toolkit will also be available on AMHF’s website, which is undergoing a refresh in 2022.

If you would like a copy of the talk, along with supporting materials, please email [email protected]

The campaign is evergreen – until something happens to change the facts – in which case it will be updated. So while International Men’s Day is technically celebrated on one day – November 19 – we hope the Know Your Man Facts series are picked up throughout the year by our Men's Health Champions. 







Rotary clubs support regional men’s health checks
Rotary clubs in Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour Daybreak, Coffs Harbour City, Dorrigo, Sawtell and Woolgoolga have combined efforts with Bunnings sausage sizzles to support the Men’s Health Rural Education Van, otherwise known as MHERV.
03 September 2024

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