Men’s Health Connected connects across You Tube
Men’s Health Connected was AMHF’s response to COVID-19 in 2020. ‘If we can’t hold the National Men’s Health Gathering in its 25th year,” reasoned CEO Glen Poole, ‘we’ll take it online.’
But instead of the usual one-week Gathering bringing the men’s health sector together for wide-ranging discussions about everything impacting the lives of men and boys in Australia, including the 10th Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Male Health Convention, AMHF decided to amplify the occasion.
Four weeks of online seminars, every day, with literally 100s of speakers and leaders in men’s health. Many well-known researchers and practitioners, others working tirelessly in the field to get a better deal for blokes, building services and organisations with men’s health and wellbeing in mind. This was the Men’s Health Connected online summit.
- 1,500+ people signed up to take part and 150+ speakers shared their expertise.
- There were 100+ hours of conversation and 75+ men’s health organisations across 50+ sessions and five weeks.
Did you miss any of it?
Catch up TV
AMHF is pleased to launch the Men’s Health Connected You Tube channel with 63 recordings from the 2020 event.
You are warmly invited to sit back and catch up on what you missed, dive into the riches of the sessions, which range in length from 20 minutes to two hours.
The playlists cover:
Making Male Suicide A National Priority
PHN Male Suicide Prevention symposium
Male Suicide – shaping policy and practice
Working with rural and remote men
Men’s Mental Health Movement Meet Up
Week Two
Sporting chance – using sport to improve men’s health
Men’s health workshop – changing Australia’s risking drinking culture
Boys’ Health Symposium
Making health services male friendly
Men’s Health Week including the Men’s Health Awards, with the new Men’s Health TV segments such as the nightly men’s circle meetups, daily Blokes’ Lunchbox.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Male Health Meet Up
Men’s Health Research Symposium
Working with Young Men Symposium
Men Who Care
Understanding the health needs of males who identify as gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex
Promoting men and boys’ health in culturally and linguistically diverse communities
All sessions are also accessible on the Men’s Health Connected website.
What’s in store for 2021?
Correct, we aren’t stopping with one online summit. Men’s Health Connected will return in May with a full-scale program.
We wholeheartedly invite you to take part in these events in a number of ways. For example: volunteering to help us behind the scenes, making suggestions for speakers and topics, taking a front-seat role as a speaker or panellist, spreading the word once registrations open and joining in the many forums that Men’s Health Connected will present.
Becoming an AMHF member for just $40 per individual gives you closer access to our work and mission. Register to our newsletter to keep in touch with latest developments.
Find out more
Visit Men’s Health Connected on You Tube
Read: Men’s Health Connected Summit a huge success (AMHF)