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Online conference spotlights rural men’s health initiatives

Men and boys living in rural and remote areas are at increased risk of a range of physical illnesses, injuries, mental ill-health and suicide.  As part of the Men’s Health Connected online summit on Thursday 2 June, a range of experts and advocates will share there work to improve the lives and health of men in rural communities.

The Working With Rural Men event is FREE to attend, so please forward this article to everyone you know who's interested in improving rural men’s health and wellbeing.

Some of the projects featured throughout the day include:·      

Session 1 - focuses on the impact of drought, bushfires and Covid-19 and asks “How are rural men coping?”

Session 2  - “Strong, stoic and silent? Does suicide prevention work for rural blokes?” - looks at responses to suicide in rural men.

Session 3 examines best practice projects and asks “What approaches are working with rural men?”

Warren Davies: The Unbreakable Farmer

The final session of the day provides an Open Forum to allow everyone who attends the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion. If you’re interested in rural men’s health then make sure your register today to attend this event where you’ll be able to connect with some inspiring advocates for rural men’s health including:·      

  • John Harper, Mate Helping Mate
  • Mary O’ Brien, Are You Bogged Mate?
  • Warren Davies, The Unbreakable Farmer
  • John Patterson, Freemasons Victoria Suicide Prevention Campaign

Mary O'Brien: Are You Bogged, Mate?


Register for Working with Rural and Remote Men (Men's Health Connected Online Summit) 

Read: Join the Movers in Men’s Mental Health (AMHF)

Find out more about the Men’s Health Connected Online Summit running throughout June

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