Share this infographic for Men's Health Week 2021
Men's Health Week starts on Monday 14 June and one way you can help us get Australia talking about men's health is to share these infographics with your networks.
You can share them online or print them off and use them as posters of handouts. We created these infographics as part of our new Know Your Man Facts toolkit on men's heart health.
Heart disease is the leading killer of men in Australia, claiming the lives of more than 10,000 men a year. It kills more men than prostate cancer, suicide, bowel cancer and road accidents combined.
The new Know Your Man Facts infographic doesn't just raise awareness of this major men's health issue, it also provides information on some of the risk factors for heart disease in men, the steps men can take to improve their heart health and some of the actions men can take to save a mate's life.
The Know Your Man Facts campaign is designed to strengthen men's knowledge of men's health issues through straight-talking, fact-based information and resources.
Find out more about the Know Your Man Facts toolkit on men's heart health