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Tell us what actions will help prevent male suicide?

The Federal Government is currently developing a new National Suicide Prevention Strategy and we'd like to hear your views on the actions the Government should be taking to prevent male suicide.

The Australian Men's Health Forum (AMHF) is running a public survey to test support for a range of proposed actions that we would like to see included in the Government's approach to suicide prevention.

The results of the survey will inform the ongoing Time to Act on Male Suicide campaign which calls for Male Suicide Prevention action plans to be introduced at Federal, State and Territory level.  

To have your say, please take a few minutes to complete our online survey: How can the National Suicide Prevention Strategy tackle male suicide?

We are interested to know whether you think the next National Suicide Prevention Strategy will be more effective at tackling male suicide if it includes actions that are specifically designed to prevent suicide in men.

Some people think that taking action to help men build stronger social connections can help reduce the risk of male suicide. One way to do this is by funding more grassroots projects, including peer-support projects run by men and for men such as Men’s Sheds, The Man Walk, and The Men’s Table.

Others say we need more place-based approaches that go “where men are” to deliver suicide prevention in settings like male-dominated workplaces (e.g., construction), sports clubs and barbers. Take part in our survey to tell us what you think

There is also growing recognition of the need for more initiatives that respond to the risk factors for male suicide like relationship breakdown, financial problems and legal issues. Some examples include Dads In Distress groups, which provides services for separated dads, and the Survivors & Mates Support Network (SAMSN), which supports male victims of sexual abuse.

Some people would like to see the Government appoint a lead person with responsibility for male suicide prevention, such as a Minister for Men. Others  say that  before the Government funds suicide prevention services/initiatives, it should undertake a "Gender Impact Assessment" to audit how effective these services/initiatives will be at reaching men and women in distress.

Including people with personal experience of suicide (lived experience) in suicide prevention is an approach that is given greater priority than it used to have. This can include being involved in research and program planning to service design and delivery, program implementation, and evaluation. As a result, many think men with lived experience of suicide need to be supported to take a bigger role in suicide prevention. 
What do you think? Take part in our online survey to have you say. 

Some people think we should take action to promote gender diversity in the suicide prevention workforce by increasing the number and proportion of men working and volunteering in mental health and suicide prevention. Others highlight that most recipients of suicide prevention training are women. They think we should take action to increase the number and proportion of men who receive suicide prevention training.

There are those who believe suicide prevention training for frontline professionals and volunteers should place more focus on understanding gender differences in suicide risk and how to engage with men. 
Tell us what you think about these suggestions by taking part in our survey: How can the National Suicide Prevention Strategy tackle male suicide?


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