Weighing in on the National Obesity Strategy
With an alarming 3 in 4 Aussie blokes now overweight and obese, now is your chance to tell the Government what you think should be done about it.
14 million Aussies are now overweight and obese with a projected 18 million – three quarters of the population – further tipping the scales by 2030.
And a great proportion of these are men.
To tackle this health crisis, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council has drafted a national obesity strategy and is asking for feedback before Sunday, December 15.
The quickest way is to take an online survey (there’s a short 20-minute version and a longer option).
You will be asked a range of questions like:
- What are the barriers that make it harder for people to eat healthy, stay active and maintain a healthy weight?
- How can we make it easier for families to ensure their children are a healthy weight?
- How we can make it easier for people to be more active throughout the day?
- How can we build a healthier food system in Australia?
- How can we make sure the obesity strategy works?
In addition, there is a national webinar TODAY from 4pm-6pm as part of the consultation process.
Weight issues can have a profoundly negative impact on men’s health by increasing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis, diabetes and bowel cancer.
In theory, the National Obesity Strategy should be aligned to the National Men’s Health Strategy and address specific needs and preferences of men and boys.
The Men’s Health Strategy says that high levels of chronic conditions among men in Australia reinforces the need for an increasing focus on promoting healthy lifestyle choices and decreasing health risk factors such as overweight and obesity, physical inactivity and poor dietary choices.
While the National Obesity Strategy applies to men, women and children, we encourage everyone who responds to put a specific focus on the needs and preferences of men and boys, in line with the commitments made in the National Men’s Health Strategy.
DOWNLOAD: Have your say on a national obesity strategy (COAG Consultation paper, PDF)
DOWNLOAD:Summary COAG consultation paper (PDF)
Complete the online survey (short form)
Complete the online survey (long form)
Attend the National Interactive Consultation Webinar (December 10) - see link for times
Further reading from AMHF's previous coverage on male obesity in Australia
Major spike in weight gain over the past 30 years
Australian Heart Stats Obesity Supplement (PDF)
If kids are overweight, tell dad say researchers
A picture of overweight and obesity in Australia (PDF)
New data: 10 surprising facts about men's health in Australia
Obesity Crisis: Aussie blokes have put on weight (AMHF)
Social status protects women (but not men) from obesity (AMHF)